Learning and Teaching

Essential Knowledge Booklets

What is an essential knowledge booklet?

1. The key information for a unit of work.

  • Key words
  • Key equations
  • Key dates
  • Key characters

2. A starting point for revision.

3. A prompt in lessons.

4. A prompt for home learning.

5. The key to you being in control of what you do and what you don’t know.

How do I use an essential knowledge booklet?

In lessons...

Unless told otherwise, have your essential knowledge booklet on the desk, open at the subject you are currently in. This will make it simpler for you to check your understanding of key vocabulary.

If you are struggling with a knowledge question, refer to your essential knowledge booklet before asking your teacher. This will also develop your research skills.

When planning your written answers in lessons, refer to your essential knowledge booklet for that subject to ensure you have correct and detailed knowledge.

As revision...


1. Choose one section of your essential knowledge booklet.
2. Study it carefully. I find that reading it out works to embed it into memory.
3. Cover the section with a paper or turn the essential knowledge booklet over.
4. Write the sentence/information out from memory.
5. Check it against your essential knowledge booklet.

Timeline/diagrams: Use the information from your essential knowledge booklet and transform it into something else. This can be a timeline, storyboard or diagram.

Self-quizzing: Choose a section of the essential knowledge booklet you want to learn. Create a set of questions to test yourself with. These can be on flashcards, or even Quizlet. Use the sections of your essential knowledge booklet to chunk the knowledge together and make it manageable.

Your essential knowledge booklet

To support them in their learning, students have been given a professionally printed essential knowledge booklet which they need to look after. This is part of their essential equipment and should be with them in school every day.

If a student has misplaced their essential knowledge booklet, they need to check out a spare from the library in the short-term (up to two weeks). If they have permanently lost their original booklet, then they need to purchase a new one. Once a student has made their Learning Manager aware of the issue, a payment will be added to ParentPay. As soon as this is paid, a replacement booklet will be printed for the student in-house. If there are any problems with this, please contact your child's Learning Manager or student reception in the first instance. Thank you for your support with these vital learning tools.