Key Information

Special educational needs and disability (SEND) information

We are committed to ensuring that all our students make exceptional rates of progress regardless of their background or ability.  We have an experienced and dedicated SEND team who work closely with all staff in school and parents to ensure that children with special educational needs or disabilities reach their potential.

Please see the policies section of our website to view our SEND policy, Accessibility Plan and Local Offer.

If you have any questions or concerns about our SEND provision then please do not hesitate to contact either our SENCO, Gemma Cooper ( or our Deputy SENCO, Jen Pitchforth (

Miss Gemma Cooper
SENCO/Assistant Headteacher
Mrs Jen Pitchforth
Deputy SENCO

Literacy Support Provision

At Todmorden High School we aim to offer an ambitious curriculum for all students. We recognise some students need additional support to enable them to unlock their unique potential, as such we offer a wide range of support and provision to meet the individual needs of students. ‘The Key’ is our facility designed to support students to improve their basic literacy and numeracy skills. Staff in the key are both primary and secondary trained which enables them to bridge the gap between the primary and secondary curriculum expectations.


We are committed to improving reading skills for students working below the expected levels for their age. This is essential to ensure they can access the mainstream curriculum, GCSEs, and develop functional literacy skills for life. Through provision in ‘The Key’ we offer phonics, reading comprehension and speech and language approaches to improve students reading abilities. KS2 data and GL Assessments are used to identify students who require additional reading intervention. Further diagnostic assessment is used to identify specific areas of weakness in students reading skills so that the most appropriate intervention can be delivered. Progress is regularly reviewed so that students can return to their mainstream lessons as quickly as possible and to also ensure progress is being made. Our Reading interventions are delivered in both small group and 1:1 sessions dependent on the programme being delivered.


We also recognise that some students need further support with Maths skills, students are identified for additional support through KS2 SATS data and GL assessments completed at the start of the academic year. This information is used to plan and deliver appropriate numeracy intervention that supports access to the mainstream maths curriculum. Staff in ‘The Key’ work closely with the maths department to ensure the skills and methods taught are reflective of those taught in the mainstream maths lessons.

Mrs Sarah Riley
Intervention Lead
Mrs Elizabeth Taylor
Literacy Mentor

The Ewood Centre

The Ewood Centre is a nurture group based in a large multi-purpose classroom. It provides a safe base with a relaxed atmosphere where identified students can come for planned sessions and drop-in support at social times.The Ewood Centre aims to help students feel confident, understood, welcome, relaxed, happy, inspired and valued.

What are our aims?

  • To build confidence and self-esteem.
  • To build relationships with peers in their classroom.
  • To create a safe environment for ourselves and others.
  • To show our emotions in an acceptable manner.
  • To understand we are responsible for our own behaviour.
  • To understand we all make mistakes and it is ok to do so.
  • To develop good listening and social skills.
  • To enhance life skills.
  • To keep on trying, having a go and doing our best.
  • To celebrate our achievements.

Why and how will we do this?

In 'feelings' time

  • To be more aware of how we feel and how others may feel.
  • To feel free to express our opinions to talk openly to the group.
  • To learn to listen to others and respond at the appropriate time.

In shared eating

  • Learning to share our snacks, offering them to others before ourselves.
  • Using good table manners.
  • Showing good organisational skills by preparing and clearing away.
  • Sampling foods we have never tried before.
  • Feeling confident during social chats and sharing news around the table.

In activity time

  • To co-operate with each other, to share, to take turns and learn to wait.
  • To make friends and socialise through various activities such as role play, baking and problem solving.
  • To incorporate the curriculum within our activities such as English, Maths, and Technology.
  • To set ourselves goals and recognise our achievements.

The Ewood Centre works towards building strong links between school and home. Mrs Stiff ( or Mrs Reith ( are available to discuss the progress being made by individuals and will listen and support any parents with queries or concerns. 

Mrs Sarah Reith
TAC officer
Mrs Alison Stiff
TAC officer